
Engine Model lists of ISUZU ELF TRUCK


Used ISUZU ELF TRUCK are popular worldwide. Reasons for their popularity include durability, reliability, efficient fuel consumption, and parts availability. These characteristics are in demand in many countries, even used ones, because they work well in areas with imperfect infrastructure and challenging road conditions. The model codes and engine types of ISUZU ELF TRUCK are presented here, and we hope you will find this information useful when searching for a truck.


Engine Model lists of MITSUBISHI FUSO ROSA BUS


MITSUBISHI ROSA Bus have a long history spanning several decades, during which time various engine models have been adopted. The 4D series engines are still very popular, even though they have been in production for more than 30 years. Please see the engine models of the Mitsubishi Rosa below. If you are looking for MITSUBISHI ROSA Bus, please check our list. Used MITSUBISHI ROSA Bus for sale (* Click to open). BE434F 4D31 3,290 cc 2WD BE435E 4D32 3,560 cc 2WD BE435F 4D32 3,560 cc 2WD BE436E 4D36 3,560 cc 2WD BE437E 4D33 4,210 cc 2WD BE437F 4D33 4,210 cc ...


Japanese Van's Engine Model (Type) Information.


Toyota Hiace Van, Nissan Caravan and Vanette Van / Mazda Bongo and Bongo Brawny Van are very popular Japanese vans from all over the world. This will inform you about the type of engine that each type of van is powered by. TOYOTA HIACE VAN Model Code Engine Type Model Code Engine Type Model Code Engine Type KDH200K 2KD-FTV KDH200V 2KD-FTV KDH201K E1KDFTV KDH201V 1KDFTV KDH205V 2KD-FTV KDH206V 1KDFTV KZH132V 1kz LH103V 3L LH109V 3L LH113K 3L LH113V 3L LH119V 3L LH125B 3L LH162V 5L LH172K 5L LH178V 5L LH186B 5B LH188K 5L RZH102V 1RZ RZH112K 1RZ RZH112V 1RZ RZH124B ...

Reviews from customers

MITSUBISHI CANTER 4D33 Engine / Customer's review from Mozambique


MITSUBISHI CANTER 1992Year U-FE317B 4,200cc 4D33 Engine Customer's review : [I ordered mitsubishi canter 4D33 highdeck flat body on May 2023, and now, I got the Canter 27th July, the canter was used 30year over, but 4D33 engine is very good working and total condition are good also, thanks team Everycar japan.]

Reviews from customers

NISSAN CIVILIAN BUS TD42 Engine / Customer's review from Tanzania


NISSAN CIVILIAN BUS TD42 Engine We received these photos from a customer who purchased a Nissan Civilian to be used in a kindergarten in Tanzania. The NISSAN CIVILIAN BUS is one of the most popular microbuses in Japan, and there are many kindergarten buses on the Japanese used car market. We hope that this Civilian bus will bring smiles to the faces of Tanzanian children for a long time to come.

Reviews from customers

TOYOTA LAND CRUISER PRADO GDJ151W / Customer's review from Kenya


TOYOTA LAND CRUISER PRADO LDA-GDJ151W 2017Year December We received the photo from a customer in Kenya who purchased a late 150-series LAND CRUISER PRADO. With the recovery of new car sales, the price of used 150 series LAND CRUISER PRADO has come down in the Japanese market. There is not much difference in price between the diesel and gasoline models, and we will suggest the best LAND CRUISER PRADO for you depending on your preference, but personally I personally recommend the diesel model, and I will include the reasons in this article.


List of Japanese Truck Engine model


We are able to locate used engines from the Japanese market and are often consulted for used engines in our core business, truck related.